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Our management board

Brief CV of Andreas Roth and Anja Niemann

Phi-Stone AG is an ambitious, technology-driven production company led by a dynamic and visionary management team. Their mission is to bring scientific findings and ideas as innovative products to the market.


Andreas Roth

CEO | Chairman of the Management Board

Mr. Andreas Roth, born 1978, mechanical engineer.

Many years of experience as a development and application engineer, particularly in the automotive and engine manufacturing sectors.

Management experience as Head of Sales, Production and Technical Managing Director.

Mr. Roth has been a member of the Management Board since April 2021 and took over as the Chairman in May 2023.

Anja Niemann

CFO | Commercial director

Ms. Anja Niemann, born in 1974, graduate economist.

All-rounder with many years of management experience in medium-sized companies.

Profound experience in the media industry, in the management of transformation processes and in corporate development. Wide-ranging expertise in business management processes.

Goal-oriented employee management, motivation and development are important to her.

Ms. Niemann has been part of the Management Board as the Commercial director since December 2023.

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